Note to self: Don't go to a peluquería, let Rebeca cut my hair.

Bored with my hair, I went to an alternative/punk hair-cuttery this week on a whim. I was feeling gutsy, and sat myself down in the chair next to a girl getting her hair dyed pink. My hair stylist rocked a bull nose piercing, tattoos and a mohawk. He was actually very friendly and spoke English quite well, so I didn't feel too uncomfortable when I told him, "I want a change." I asked to keep the length, but change the front somehow.
What I walked out with was the most normal haircut I've ever gotten. I mean, I try to be adventurous and this is what I get!! So, what do I do? Take Rebeca up on her offer of cutting my hair. Next time, I think I'll stick with my own personal hair stylist right here in my apartment.
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