Happy Thanksgiving! I was fortunate enough to celebrate this very important and very American holiday with

Thursday after work, I headed down to Torre del Mar in Málaga- a coastal town reminiscent of the Jersey shore. Eddie's lucky enough to have a town house right on the beach... He'd better be prepared to see a lot of me in the Spring.
My dish was cauliflower with cheese sauce. Let me rephrase that; A mountain of cauliflower with cheese sauce. I'm certain the man
at the frutería and I grossly overestimated the amount of food I should have made. Then again, I think this was mainly due to the fact that of the 20 Americans, 20 brought a dish that could feed 20 people and we all had a taste of everything (well, we tried to). However, I'm not complaining. Everyone knows Thanksgiving leftovers are the best!
Well, maybe all besides cauliflower... I've been eating the damned stuff for the past week and only finished the last of it today. Hooray!
Friday I made it back to Granada just in time for... A second Thanksgiving feast! I wasn't sure

I'd be celebrating Thanksgiving in Spain one time, let alone twice! Another Thanksgiving and another TWO turkeys. In true American fashion, we overestimated the amount of food... Again. An entire turkey wasn't carved! I'm guessing that was one of those rare cases of too many Thanksgiving leftovers (sobres).
Gobble Gobble! Or should I say, "Apagalaluh!"-- Apaga la luz; say it fast with an Andalusian accent, and you sound like a turkey :)
at: December 1, 2011 at 7:00 PM said...
i love reading these kate!
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