- Push myself to speak Spanish and improve my speaking skills as much as possible (I will have Spanish flat-mates, so that’s a step in the right direction)
- Develop as a professional and as a teacher
- Not to get discouraged when things get tough- whether it’s with the job or living in a foreign country
- Make lasting friendships and be open to different people- being open to new things really should be the motto of this adventure
- Bond with my students, friends, and flat-mates

- Explore Granada and really become a part of the city and its culture. I’d love to have places around the city that are my places- whether it’s a certain park to read, a café to relax and drink coffee, or my friends’ and my favorite bar.
- Travel across Spain, and a few other countries if the paycheck allows it!
Make the most of every moment
Places I want to visit in Spain:
- Cárnaval in Cádiz (Feb 16-26)
- Fallas de Valencia (Mar 19)
- Feria de Sevilla (Apr 24-29)
- Bilbao to reminisce
- Barcelona, because it’s gorgeous
- Madrid to give it another shot
- Málaga to see Eddie and go to the beach
Places I’d like to visit in Europe:
- Scotland
- Portugal
- Germany
- Croatia
Not a bad start-- With Claire & Helene, fellow Granada auxiliares
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