Welcome to Granada, Kate! Here, have food poisoning (intoxicación alimentaria). And a fever. And we’ll throw a cold in there.
It started with Kebab. I knew something was wrong when that man put corn and cabbage on the kebab. The kebabs in Bilbao didn’t have that nonsense. The kebabs in Bilbao also had a sauce that I’m pretty sure was made by the Gods. This strange Granada kebab wasn’t given this blessed sauce. Instead of the sauce, the Granada kebab had something that is now trying to kill me.
Yes, there is a demon living inside my stomach.
Another auxiliar living in Granada who had the same kebab with me- Josh, who's jewish (yes, it's relevant)- went back to the store and asked for our money back. I think he referred to it as the “perfect Rosh Hashanah gift: A Jew beating an Arab in an argument” after 30 minutes of confrontation with he who shall not be named.
Luckily, I have great roommates. Antonio showed me to the Farmacía yesterday, even though they could only give me medicine for the cold. Update on the apartment/roommate situation still to come.
Not to worry, though! I feel a lot better now. Almost back to the old Kate, and almost ready for another kebab.
Food poisoning could have been an incorrect diagnosis. But two other people are feeling the same as me here. Adjustment to the food maybe? It's Saturday now, and I'm feeling fine.
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