So, as many of my followers already know, my nana recently passed. One of the many thoughts that flew through my head when I found out was this- I never got to tell her about all my adventures abroad... Adventures that, upon hearing them, she would have laughed, shared similar stories, and above all would have been proud that I took the initiative to enjoy myself and my experiences in Europe. I think I deserve it to myself, to those that were following me before my blogging hiatus, and most of all to my nana (and, let's face it, this is required for school) to finish telling the story of my study abroad experience. Hopefully my memory won't fail me, and if it does I always have Jacklyn, who's been there with me through it all, to turn to.
Even if the number of views doesn't change upon my finishing this blog, I hope that one person in particular hears my stories and smiles.

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