

Monday, April 26, 2010

Short Update!

Alright, so I realize I've been really bad about updating my blog recently, but with good reason I promise! Spring break was a whirlwind, and the weeks after haven't given me time to write either. They really pile on the work towards the end of the semester :/ Plus, I had already planned trips for these past two weekends since before Spring break... little did I know I would want a rest after two straight weeks of traveling!

But, for those that are wondering (I will write more extensive explanations later), here's a short synopsis of what I've been up to!

Spring Break...
  • Ten days in Italy, including Rome, Florence, Siena, Cinque Terre (My favorite... beautiful town on the coast), and Venice.
  • Three full days in Paris.
  • Two full days in Barcelona, I have to go back!
After Spring Break...
  • Weekend trip to Tangiers, Morocco! Yes, I made it to another continent!
  • Weekend trip to Dublin, Ireland. Day trip to Wicklow and Glendaloch. MUST go back. Loved it.
Obviously there's a lot to tell for each of these trips, but I'll have to save that for later! Gotta gat back to work. Miss everyone and can't wait to see you at home! It's right around the corner, I can't believe it...


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