Urgent News Update: My first night out with all Spaniards!
I successfully stayed up until 6am without getting sleepy AND had a great time with my roommate Rebeca and her friends. We went to a traditional (típico) bodega for some chilled glasses of vermut (wine, vermuth and lime) and jamón ibérico. Next, to a pub full of Spaniards... that's how I knew it was legit. None of those all-English-speaking pubs. Derick, you'd appreciate this- we had Fosters! In good company and good conversation (granted, I got lost in a few of those conversations), the hours passed by. Then onto Blondie, a discoteca that mainly played Indie Pop... pretty neat. Overall, a great night:
Discoteca Blondie
One of the things I love about having Spanish roommates is you get the inside scoop on the good spots in Granada. For instance, I don't think I would have ever found that pub. It was tucked away on a side street and basically underground. Example #2: The frutería I've been going to is actually overcharging me. Who knew, it seemed cheap to me. There's a tetería (teahouse) right down the street that Rebeca says is the best in town, and she would know. I went there with Rebeca and her friend Mari Carmen and ordered a batido. I wouldn't have known what they were, but now I know they're delicious. I guess the best description is a milkshake but with more milk.
My roommate Rebeca and I

Last night was also filled with English/Spanish lessons. I told them what a keg stand was, and they taught me the Spanish version of quarters. I also got a pretty extensive lesson on palabrotas (curse words) to use or not use at my leisure. Curious? Okay, I'll give you one: gilipollas. Basically translates to "asshole." Rebeca's last name is "Sola" (In English, "alone") which we make fun of her for. Only now that she knows that "Marsh" translates to ciénega in Spanish, she thinks my last name is worse.
Rebeca's friend Rubén is a huge fan of Indie music (Iron & Wine, Arcade Fire) and told me that Fleet Foxes is playing in Madrid November 25. One reason to make a trip up to the capital- that, and El Rey León (Broadway's The Lion King) is playing in Madrid up through March. That would be completely amazing.
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