

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Second Day.

Universidad de Deusto

Okay, I realize that a post per day kinda overkill, but I think the first week at least deserves as much. I didn't go out Monday night in order to rest up for the placement exam- I'm crossing my fingers that I'm a level IV (find out tomorrow). After the test, we took a quick tour of the University, and had the rest of the day to ourselves. Still feeling jet-lagged (and because, well, everyone else does it in this country), my friends and I took the bus back to Unamuno to take a much-needed siesta. I love siestas.

After resting up, Santiago (despite his name, he is a Mary Wash student) and I went to get some detergent to wash our dirty clothes. Only after buying said detergent did I realize I would need other clothes just to wash the ones I'd been wearing for 3 days. Then we went to the café (well, bar, but the bars here serve pintxos- Basque tapas- and coffee as well) and ordered café con leche- mi favorito!!! 

After dinner (ew.), the Unamuno crowd and I went in search of a bar to celebrate a) being in Spain, and b) being LEGAL in Spain. I must say I handled this privilege very well and only had a few beers, discovering that I in fact like dark beers over light (the bartender was wary of this and made sure that he knew I knew it was "oscuro"), and really like Murpheys Irish Red- it makes for a perfect foam mustache. Whether my self-restraint was due to the fact that a small amount of beer costs 2euro, I can't say.

We walked a ways to find a bar that seemed promising (meaning, bigger than a small hallway) near Sarriko, the part of Bilbao where we live, and wound up in one that blasted music from Metallica to Chris Isaac, strangely enough. It was fun getting to bond a bit more with the people I will inevitably end up eating with and going to school with every day.

PS- Slowly getting used to the whole walking everywhere deal.

PPS- Finally got the luggage before leaving to the bars! Woot! Clean socks!


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