Hello 8 followers!
I know you all are desperately awaiting an update to my blog. Or have you forgotten about it? I wouldn't blame you! HOWEVER. There is a piece of news that I just have to share!
I've been accepted into a 10-month-long teaching position in Spain for this upcoming year! Well, technically I'd be a "language and cultural assistant." Essentially I'd be helping in a bilingual, elementary-level class with the English side of things. Through CIEE (Center for International Educational Exchange), I was placed in Granada, Andalucia (the South of Spain- very different from the North). The program is called "Teach in Spain" and, from my research, is very reputable. Here's the link: http://www.ciee.org/teach/spain/abroad/
I've been looking into positions like these for a while now, but my friend Eddie recommended that I apply to this one. He's doing the same program and was placed in Málaga (about a 1.5 hr bus ride from Granada), and told me that Spain had opened up for more applicants not long ago. I immediately applied, was accepted relatively quickly, and had to make a decision within a week. A year-long position is just what I was looking for- a filler/self-exploration/Spanish language experience for between undergrad and grad school. Yes, dad, I am planning on going to grad school.
SO- this position would last from September 19 through May 30. I'm planning on coming back to the States for Christmas break. I'm trying to convince dad to go to Germany afterwards with me (and to any German relatives- if you know anyone living in Munich, I'm trying to go to Oktoberfest!). I know this will be a different experience than Bilbao. I will have to find my own housing (don't worry, I'll have help), cook for myself, live with Spanish speakers- not a dorm filled with Americans like me!, and, like the rain on the plain, I'm planning on staying mainly in SPAIN. This is really for me to become fluent and totally immersed in the culture. I'm throwing away the crutches!
Luckily, I have a contact in Granada. She was actually my substitute teacher in my high school Spanish class. Ms. Johnson just recently got her Masters from the University of Granada and is now working for the consulate in Granada, so she really knows the town. I e-mailed her, and she just raved about it. For anyone that can read Spanish (Susan), here's what she said:
Hola Kate - Qué bien escuchar de ti - y saber de que te hayan aceptado a ese programa. ¿Qué te digo de Granada? De verdad es mi ciudad favorita de España, y una de mis favoritas de todos los lugares que he visitado en Europa, Africa y Latinoamerica. Lo he encontrado muy fácil ubicarme y adaptarme al ritmo de la ciudad aquí. La gente es muy amable y abierta, y hay mucha vida social en la calle (tapas, deporte, etc.). Granada es una ciudad encantadora y hermosa, llena de historia. También lo es Santa Fé. No sé si te gustan los deportes, pero desde Granada (y Santa Fé) estás a minutos de sitios para montar en bici, esquiar, nadar en los pantanos, escalar, etc. De verdad las posibilidades son infinitas. Y también la playa está a menos de una hora. No sé de Santa Fé, pero Granada es una de las últimas ciudades en España que te pone tapas (gratis) cuando pides algo de tomar, entonces es super barato salir por la noche, por que no tienes que gastar en cenar. Y en general he visto que la comida es mucha mas barata que en Arlington, entonces uno puede sobrevivir con mucho menos dinero aquí. Mi novio me mencionó que se puede venir a Granada en bici desde Santa Fé, queda así de cerca.
Bueno, no sé cuales son tus otras posibilidades para el año que viene, pero yo, sin dudas, te recomendaría que vinieras por Granada. Y si lo decides hacer, pues ponte en contacto conmigo diciéndome cuando vienes, y veremos la manera de encontrarnos, ¿vale?
Un abrazo,
Bueno, no sé cuales son tus otras posibilidades para el año que viene, pero yo, sin dudas, te recomendaría que vinieras por Granada. Y si lo decides hacer, pues ponte en contacto conmigo diciéndome cuando vienes, y veremos la manera de encontrarnos, ¿vale?
Un abrazo,
Hiking, skiing, the Mediterranean coast, free tapas... what's not to love??
Granada: Where I'll hopefully live

Santa Fé: Where I'll work (11 km from Granada)

Anyway, lately I've been super busy with this ridiculously difficult Visa process. Fingers crossed that everything works out. In any event, that's the latest for Kate's Life as a Post-Grad. Expect more from me soon!